Fight AND Build

Our communities are resisting and reforming historical structural inequities and oppression. But in these struggles, dreams of more sustainable, just and democratic ways of living are born. We are shifting consciousness of what is possible, building political power, and seeding the economic practices that go beyond the world as we know it. Here, we make visible transformational work and aspirations, not only ones that are emerging, but some that are deeply rooted in indigenous ways and historical cultural practices. We analyze and critically assess the visions, strategies, and programs to help support and further build these transition movements.

Solidarity Economy Initiative
The Solidarity Economy Initiative (SEI) is a Massachusetts-based project that creates space for grassroots organizers working in working class communities of color to lead a Just Transition to a Solidarity Economy.

Center for Economic Democracy
CED is a US social movement building organization, growing capacity in our  communities to transform American capitalism into a more just, sustainable and democratic economy.

Read more stories about transformation work:

Land is a source of wealth and well-being. Communities of color in Boston have long struggled for control over land
Our article on emerging solidarity economies in Massachusetts by Penn Loh and Boone Shear is available online in the journal
This manuscript on emerging solidarity economies in Massachusetts by Penn Loh and Boone Shear will be forthcoming in the journal
CERO Cooperative is featured in this half hour GRITtv show on local investment and moving your money. [CERO segment starts
By Ian Adelman The food movement has grabbed the attention of many of us interested in realizing a just and